Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Velocity Of Gary* *(Not His Real Name)

Good lord, what a cumbersome title.
So, Valentino has a girlfriend and a boyfriend and long hair and leather pants and AIDS. And it's all very dramatic.
I bought this movie near the end of my last Vincent D'Onofrio phase and never got around to watching it because I knew it wasn't my kind of movie. It was the one movie I absolutely dreaded coming up in Movie Lottery. I also wish it had come up sooner so I could have gotten it out of the way.
It isn't terrible so much as it's not for me. Obviously it appealed to somebody or it wouldn't have gotten made. And I bet people who are really into slash fic must love it because you've got Detective Goren making out with The Punisher. If that isn't the invention of a fan fiction writer, I don't know what is. (I mean, they're not playing Detective Goren and The Punisher in this movie, but they did play them in other things and that's good enough for me.)
I did like the parts of the movie where Vincent D'Onofrio looked pretty. But then there's the rest of the movie, the parts with all of the talking. I didn't like that so much. It was boring. And I honestly didn't see the point.
But that's how it is with me. I don't see a reason for movies about realistic events. This is something that could really happen so why waste the time making a movie about it? Go peoplewatching if you want to see something realistic. Movies are for the fantastic and impossible, the sort of thing you can't see anywhere else. At least as far as I'm concerned.
People who are into serious, realistic dramas about a guy and a girl who don't really like each other dealing with the illness and death of their mutual boyfriend, though, would probably like this movie very much.
Oh, and then there was the Big Lipped Alligator Character. About fifteen or twenty minutes in, someone gets killed off rather horribly and, apart from about thirty seconds of grieving, nobody seems to even notice. They never get mentioned again and they didn't help the plot along in any way. Why they were in the movie in the first place, I'll never know. Why the filmmakers felt the need to brutally kill them off is an even bigger mystery.

End of line.

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