Friday, September 10, 2010

Babysitter Wanted

Angie is a good little Catholic girl who has just moved away to college, where she acquires a doesn't-serve-the-plot-in-any-way bitchy roommate, a good little Catholic boyfriend, a job as a babysitter and a creepy stalker.
This is probably the best "babysitter in peril" movie I've ever seen. It's tense, it's creepy, it takes its sweet time but never strays into Boringville.
There were some plot points I knew about before I watched it (I saw a panel about it at Weekend Of Horrors last year and they had to tell some plot points to show the scenes they wanted to show) but that didn't detract from the movie at all. I was still on the edge of my seat, as they say (it was more like cowering in a corner of the couch).
And it's always nice to see Bill Moseley playing a good guy. I heart that man.

End of line.

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