Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Purple Rose Of Cairo

Cecilia goes to see a movie so many times that one of the characters on the screen notices her, falls in love with her and walks off the screen to be with her. This pisses off the other chracters in the movie, all of the people involved in making the movie and Cecilia's abusive husband.
I liked this one. The best parts involve the movie characters: the guy who ditched the movie is that stereotypical cheerful hero type that I just love and the funniest parts of this movie are the characters in the movie-within-the-movie being angry and frustrated with the guy leaving. They can't finish their story without him and they want to be free, too.
So a lot of The Purple Rose Of Cairo is funny and does that whole "blurring the lines of reality and fantasy" thing that can fail so easily but is done well here. And it all builds up to (semi-SPOILER) a lame ending that I hated. Or, as Matan put it, "a Woody Allen ending." Except this is the only Woody Allen movie I've seen (besides Scoop) where the ending pissed me off.
All I'm saying is, I would have done it differently.

End of line.

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