Monday, February 20, 2012

Breathing Room

Fourteen people who may or may not have anything in common are locked in a room together. They're wearing deadly shock collars, they're numbered and they're forced to "play a game" (AKA "be locked in a room and not trust each other") until only one of them remains.
I'm a sucker for this shit; give me a "bunch of strangers locked in a room" movie and you bet your ass I'll watch it.
Breathing Room is pretty good, as far as this sort of movie goes, but it's not great. It introduces a lot of interesting questions about who the people are, why they're there, how they're going to get out of here, all kinds of things. And then they never address any of those questions, really. They throw them out for the sake of killing characters off and (SPOILER-ish) having a twist ending.
I was also disappointed in one of the hints given throughout the movie. It was an anagram, and I figured it out immediately. That's pretty sad (for the movie) because I royally suck at anagrams.
All that aside, though, it was an entertaining hour and a half. I wish I could have had some explanations to go with all the things I wondered throughout the movie, but I'll take what I got. It was ninety minutes of me not being bored and that's all I really want out of a movie.

End of line.

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