Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gogol Bordello Nonstop

There is a reason I didn't run home and watch this movie the day it came out on DVD the way I ran out and bought it. There is something I know about myself, about documentaries and about Gogol Bordello.
I knew it would make me feel left out.
Gogol Bordello is one of those bands that I want to be. Their music is amazing, they're the most energetic people I've ever seen in my life and this movie filled me with all kinds of energy and inspiration to run out and accomplish everything I've ever wanted to.
What it didn't fill me with was knowhow, bravery or focus. My mind is all over the place right now. I'm filled with a want and a need to go out and do something but I have no idea what that something might be and if I figured it out, the likelihood I'd actually go out and do it is slim because I am a scaredychicken.
I want to learn to play the tuba. I want to drive and drive and plant myself in a city I've never been before, just for a little while, just for the fuck of it. I want to get another tattoo. I want to finish writing my book and then make a movie out of it. I want, I want, I want.
But I never do.
What was awesome about the movie was that the overall feeling was very positive and happy, as opposed to The Pied Piper Of Hutzovina, which I liked but left me feeling very sad (I cried through the whole thing). I'm still not sure why, and I haven't had the nerve to watch it again to figure it out.
Gogol Bordello Nonstop, though, I could watch again and again. It's one of the most inspiring and, by influence, frustrating movies I've ever seen. But man was it worth it. It's fascinating, it's fun, and Sergey Ryabtsev is fast becoming one of my favorite people ever. He seems to be always smiling. I love people like that.
Not to put down anyone else in the band. The entire band is one of my favorite people. There just happens to be several of them.
And I want to be one of them.

End of line.
-Sally (was a fifteen year old girl from Nebraska)

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