Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Favorite Brunette

I never really understood the appeal of Bob Hope, but until now I'd never seen one of his movies before, either, so I had no reason to understand the appeal of Bob Hope. It turns out he has pretty fantastic comedic timing.
My Favorite Brunette was a pretty fun movie. Lon Chaney Jr. was endearing as the big dumb guy and Peter Lorre was gloriously dapper and villainous, wearing a dark suit, throwing knives and studying for the United States citizenship test. Peter Lorre is much funnier than anybody seems to remember him being, and I could listen to him talk all dang day. I love him so.
Overall I don't think this one's going to stick with me (I can barely remember it now and it hasn't even been over five minutes) but it was entertaining while it was on and there were a few moments that made me laugh out loud.

End of line.


Mark Darley, Author said...

Not only does Bob Hope have great comic timing... he's hot.

Seems like you're open to watching anything. That's the way I am. Old, new, comedy, drama... really doesn't matter. There's a ton of great old films that a lot of people won't ever see because they won't give them a chance... because they're black and white, or some other odd reason.

Again, never heard of this one. Where do you learn about these films?

Staples said...

Yeah, Bob Hope was way better looking than old caricatures had led me to believe!
I'll watch pretty much anything but I tend to steer clear of war movies and anything that includes "romantic" in its description. My main interests are horror films and classic comedies.
It's always bugged me when people refuse to watch movies that are in black and white or have subtitles. There's too much good stuff out there to put that kind of restrictions on yourself. (Even I watch war movies and romantic whatevers occasionally.)
I'm a huge Peter Lorre fan, which is how I heard of My Favorite Brunette. I was looking him up on Netflix and it was one of the movies they had on streaming.