Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dr. Syn Alias The Scarecrow

This is one of those old live action Disney movies that most people seem to have forgotten about. In fact, I'm pretty sure more people The Gnome Mobile than this one. And I don't even remember The Gnome Mobile.
It wasn't a bad movie, exactly. It was just ... it felt very, very long. And also it felt like two movies.
Basically, it's a superhero story. Mild mannered vicar Doctor Syn is, in fact, the mysterious Scarecrow, who smuggles alcohol and silk and probably other stuff and redistributes it to the poor. Take that, the British government!
The first half of the movie is about a guy in the Scarecrow's smuggling ring who starts working for the army because they threatened to hang him for smuggling. Of course, now the Scarecrow's gang wants to hang him for being a traitor to their cause. And it seems like all the guy really wants to do is be drunk and not get hung.
The second half of the movie is about a Navy deserter returning home and getting arrested for deserting the Navy. So now the Scarecrow has to rescue him. 'Cause he's a nice guy like that.
I liked certain things about the movie (Patrick McGoohan being the obvious example; there were neat plot points and stuff, too) but overall it was kinda boring and too long.
The Scarecrow / Doctor Syn was a cool character and his schemes to get back at the traitor smuggler and rescue the Navy deserter from jail were by far the most entertaining parts of the movie. It was all the plot exposition leading up to those setpieces I didn't care for so much.

End of line.


Anonymous said...

All my life I've thought this was a scary scary movie. It doesn't sound scary at all. Must've been the commercials.

Staples said...

Nope, not scary. Although I could see why they might try to make it look scary. And the Scarecrow mask is kinda freaky.

Mark Darley, Author said...

I have never heard of this movie. But the title makes me realize that I'd like a cool alias like: LoneWolf. Or Maverick. People could say "Here comes LoneWolf. Don't piss him off."

Staples said...

Having a cool alias would be pretty sweet.
... Actually, I think I'd rather have a confusing alias, like Broccoli Troubler or The Hippo.